Business Aviation News

Gogo Galileo Certification Underway

Gogo Galileo Certification Underway

Gogo Business Aviation said it is in the process of securing the first-article Supplemental Type Certification (STC) for its Gogo Galileo HDX system on the Bombardier Challenger 300.

The Challenger 300, a popular super midsize jet, is regarded as an ideal fit for the Galileo HDX connectivity system. Since the aircraft was launched in 2014, Bombardier has sold 900 Challenger 300 series (300,350, and 3500) and nearly 600 of them come with the Gogo Air-to-Ground (ATG) system.

Gogo’s President and Chief Operating Officer, Sergio Aguirre, emphasized the importance of pursuing the STC for parts manufacture approval (PMA) as they prepare for commercial launch next year.

To support the STC process, Gogo has partnered with Duncan Aviation.

“The anticipation for Gogo Galileo remains high among business jet operators, so we are pleased to support Gogo’s efforts to secure this STC,” said Mike Minchow, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Duncan Aviation.

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