Business Aviation News

ExecuJet MRO Services Invests in Equipment, Training

ExecuJet MRO Services Invests in Equipment, Training

ExecuJet MRO Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dassault Aviation, has invested in additional equipment and training on Dassault aircraft types in Australia, by providing advanced technical training and new tooling.

“We have further consolidated our position as a factory-owned Dassault Aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) organization by investing in more tooling and training,” says Grant Ingall, Vice President ExecuJet MRO Services Australia.

ExecuJet maintenance technicians and engineers have also been sent from Australia to Dassault Aviation in France and the US for advanced technical training. The company also invested in new tooling from Dassault, including horizontal stabilizer rear hinge bushing measurement training and the upgrading of non-destructive testing (NDT) capabilities.

“Investing in the specific tooling and training to perform these complex tasks in-country positions ExecuJet and Australia as a ‘center of excellence’ for maintenance of Dassault aircraft,” said Ingall.

According to Ingall, ExecuJet has been busy performing aircraft inspections and maintenance record assessments for buyers of pre-owned business jets, as the business jet market is booming in countries such as Australia and New Zealand.